Donegal Airport’s safety policy aim is to achieve and maintain the highest levels of safety within the aerodrome services it provides and operates by minimising those risks which contribute to aircraft accidents as far as is reasonably practicable.
This Safety Policy is signed by both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director of the Airport and is displayed in all Functional Areas of the Aerodrome.
Safety shall be afforded the highest priority throughout Donegal Airport’s activities, irrespective of commercial, operational, environmental or social pressures.
Donegal Airport Management will support the management of safety by creating an organisational culture that encourages safe practices, effective safety reporting and communication, and proactively and explicitly manages safety through the application of a formal Safety Management System. Donegal Airport Management will ensure sufficient number and training of personnel to a level of competency to be able to implement safety strategies and processes, and ensure staff are allocated only those tasks commensurate with their skills and competencies.
The Chairman on behalf of the board of Directors has overall accountability for safety within Donegal Airport.
Safety is an integral function of management and managers are responsible for the safety performance of their departments.
Goods and services supplied to Donegal Airport by any other organisation shall be subject to Donegal Airports’ safety requirements and this shall be confirmed and recorded.
Donegal Airport is committed to improving at all times towards the highest safety standards that, at a minimum, comply with the requirements of:
- National Legislation Programme
- EU Regulations
- International Civil Aviation Organisation
- Safety Regulation Division of the Irish Aviation Authority
Just Culture
Donegal Airport fully supports the principle of Just Culture and to this end has adopted a Just Culture Policy. The objective of our Just Culture Policy is to foster an environment whereby staff and related contractors are empowered to report any safety risk without fear of retribution, in the clear understanding that the company accepts that errors and lapses of judgement may occur and that staff, in the course of their normal, expected duties, do not intentionally commit such errors. Staff members who make honest mistakes or misjudgements will not incur punitive action – provided that they report such incidents in a proper, timely fashion, and cooperate fully with any subsequent investigation. The only exceptions to this general non-punitive policy are when the actions or omissions involve negligence, reckless disregard or a failure to report safety incidents or risk exposures. A staff member who acts irresponsibly in one of these ways is potentially exposed to disciplinary action. A staff member’s compliance with reporting requirements will be a factor to be weighed favourably in the Company’s decision making in such circumstances. The Safety Policy shall be reviewed periodically and at least annually by the Safety, Security & Quality Committee.