Donegal Airport’s”Security policy aim is to achieve and maintain the highest levels or security within the aerodrome and its environs and to minimise security risks as far as is reasonably

This Security Policy is signed by both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director of the Airport (Accountable Manager) and is displayed in all Functional Areas or the

Security is a high organisational priority that is mutually suppottive or both commercial and operational priorities.  Donegal Airport Management will suppott the management or security by creating a Security Culture that encourages security practices. effective security reporting and communication, and proactively and explicitly manages security through the application or a formal Security Management System.

Donegal Airport will ensure sufficient resources are allocated to security in terms of both equipment which meets the regulatory standards. and ensuring that a sufficient number or Management and Staff are trained to a level of competency to be able to implement security
strategies and processes. Management will also ensure staff are allocated only those tasks commensurate with their skills and competencies.

The Chairman on behalf or the board of Directors has overall responsibility for security within
Donegal Airport.
Security is an integral function of the organisation and all staff have responsibility to ensure that security standards and best practices are implemented at all times.
The Security Policy shall be reviewed periodically and at least annually by the Safety, Security & Quality Committee.

Donegal Airport is committed to implementing a continuous improvement programme in security and working at all times towards the highest security standards that, at a minimum, comply with
the requirements of:

  • the National Civil AViation Security Programme
  • EU Regulations
  • International Civil Aviation Organisation